PROGRAM. Animation, Architecture, Curatorial Work, Cyber Art,
Film/Video, Game Design, Graphic Design, Installation Art, Interactive
Art, Interdisciplinary Art, Painting, Performance Art, Photography,
and Sound/Music. Students create their own course of study and work
independently on art and research projects off-site with the support
of faculty and self-chosen artist mentors. Lectures, critiques,
performances, exhibitions, seminars and workshops take place in three
intensive summer residencies on-site in Berlin and New York. The
low-residency format permits students to continue with their
professional life while participating in the program. Up to one year's
credits accepted from other postgraduate schools. Some scholarships
available. For more details see:
August 1, 2009 SEPTEMBER 2009 EXHIBITION Projekt30 is taking
submissions for our September 2009 publicly juried exhibition. We are
an artist-run arts organization dedicated to promoting emerging
artists. The exhibition will include thirty artists; invitations will
be sent to over 30,000 galleries, collectors, and fellow
artists. Visitors have the option of contacting any participating
artist with feedback or opportunities. As of Nov. 2008 over 200,000
messages have been sent to participating artists. All artwork
submitted will be presented online prior to the exhibition so visitors
may help select which artists will be included in the
exhibition. Unlike other juried exhibitions, all participants receive
exposure. Opens: September 1, 2009. Public Jury: August 15-29,
2009. Deadline: August 1, 2009. Fee: $40 for up to 10 images, though
the fee is waived for Projekt30 members and artists who use
Projekt30's web-hosting service. Go to: for more details, or go to: for information about Projekt30's other
August 2, 2009 I: PART 2 Projekt30 is accepting self-portraits for our
upcoming juried show "I: Part 2". This show will consist entirely of
self-portraits, though what can be considered a "self-portrait" will
be broadly interpreted so as to allow artists of all styles and
disciplines to participate. The exhibition will be publicly juried,
meaning all artwork submitted will be presented online prior to the
exhibition so visitors of Projekt30 may help select which artists will
be included. The final exhibition will include 30 artists. Deadline:
August 2, 2009 Publicly Juried: August 2-18, 2009 Opens: August 20,
2009 Fee: $35 for up to 10 images. For a complete prospectus go to:
August 4, 2009 The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards - Amateur and
professional artists are invited to submit and white and color
photographs in any of the categories: Portrait: People and Figure,
Fine Art, Landscape and Cityscape, Abstract, Digital Enhanced,
Documentary, including Reportage & Photojournalism. The following
prizes will be awarded: $5,000 cash prize for the WPGA 2009
Photographer of the Year, $3,000 cash grant for the recipient of the
Humanitarian Documentary Award, $400 cash prize for each Best in
Category award; A book publication that will include all selected
images; Exhibition of all the selected work in Madrid, Spain
2010. Paid travel from the country of origin and 3 days lodging in
Madrid to attend the WPGA 2009 Exhibition will be provided to the
Photographer of the Year and the recipient of the Humanitarian
Documentary Grant. Photographers selected for the exhibition will have
the option to have their work showcased in WonderPick Gallery at no
cost. The Save the Children Alliance will be the recipient of a
donation from this event. Jurors for the competition are: Susan Zedah,
Eyemazing Magazine; Tim Anderson, Red Dog Journal; Stephen Perloff,
The Photo Review;and Brooks Jensen, LensWork. Entry details are at: EARLY BIRD SUBMISSION DEADLINE: July 26th,
2009. Contestants submitting to any one of the six categories before
July 26, 2009 will receive a 30% discount. FINAL DEADLINE: September
27th, 2009.
August 18, 2009 CALL FOR ENTRIES Studio West is accepting submissions
for our Winter Season. We are an artist-run gallery dedicated to
promoting emerging and mid-career artists. Our exhibits are highly
promoted and well attended. The call is open to all visual artists
working in all 2 and 3 dimensional media. First place Award $200 and
inclusion in 2 Person exhibition; award for Second place $75 and Third
place $50. Fee: $25 for up to 5 images. Deadline September 1,
2009. For Guidelines and entry form go to:
August 31, 2009 A SHOW OF HEADS A thematic exhibition based on the
portrayal and interpretation of the human head to be held at the
Limner Gallery, November 6 - December 5, 2009. Open for entry to all
artists working in any media. $2600 in publication awards. On-line
entry form at: by email at:, or send SASE to: SlowArt Productions, 123 Warren St,
Hudson NY 12534
October 1, 2009 CALL FOR ENTRIES 24th International Juried Show. Open
to all artists, all media. Juror: Susan Kismaric, Curator for the
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY. Best In Show award: $1,000 prize
and lunch with the juror, Susan Kismaric. *Best In Show prize details
included in prospectus. Slide and Digital Image entries due October 1,
2009 for January 15, 2010 exhibition. To receive prospectus send SASE
to: Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, 68 Elm St, Summit NJ 07901 OR (see "Exhibitions, Juried Show") OR
November 7 - December 30, 2008, Outdoor exhibit - November 7, 2008 -
September 17, 2009. $20,000 in awards, purchase awards and
honoraria. Contemporary and figurative sculptors are eligible. 30%
commission on all sales. Entry fee. Send SASE for a prospectus to:
Craven Arts Council & Gallery, Box 596, New Bern NC 28563 OR
252-638-2577 OR OR
Aug 01, 2009 CALL FOR "DIVINE FEMININE" ART Artists are invited to
submit their work for "Emergence of the Divine Feminine" a multi -
arts festival, September 30 to October 30, to be held in conjunction
with the Chicago Artists Month, October 2009. Entry fee. Contact: Joan
Forest Mage, Life Force Arts Center, 3148 N Lincoln Av, Chicago
Illinois OR 773-327-7224 OR OR
Aug 03, 2009 We are accepting submissions from the Northeast region
for an exhibition entitled Concealed/Revealed: environment,
technology, surface, subject and space in contemporary art. The
exhibition curator is Tedd Stratis, founder of The Studio, abstract
painter and BFA graduate from New York City's Hunter College. No entry
fee. Contact: Katie Stratis, The Studio, 2 Maryland Av, Armonk NY
10504 OR 914-273-1452 OR OR
Aug 04, 2009 CALL FOR ART ABOUT "HERE" In the upcoming exhibition,
"HERE" artists are being asked to submit recent works that demonstrate
the concept of HERE - Content could include a direct or indirect
reference to North Adams, The Berkshires, the moment in time "2009",
any media. Entry fee. Contact: Ven Voisey, MCLA Gallery 51, 51 Main
St, North Adams MA 01247 OR
Aug 05, 2009 CHANGE-THEMED FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL Completed features,
documentaries, shorts and works in progress. All genres including
animation and digital media; everything must be in English (subtitles
okay). Submission format: DVD (NTSC and PAL), DV, DVCAM,VHS, S-VHS,
Hi-8, and BETA SP. Supporting materials could include: description of
piece, autobiography, resume and artist statement. $60 entry, $24
entry for shorts (up to 30 minutes) Fees cover public relations
package including audience critiques for selected entries. SASE for
return of entries. Contact: Woodstock Museum, Box 73, Woodstock NY
12498 OR 845-246-0600 OR OR
Aug 07, 2009 CALL FOR ALTERED BARBIES ART Altered Barbie 2009: Cougars
Rule! Celebrating Barbie's 50th anniversary, submissions for this
year's show "should interpret, comment on, or criticize what Barbie or
Ken mean to you", states Curator and Exhibit Organizer, Julie
Andersen. "We are looking for [work in] all mediums!" Guest Juror for
this year's show is Matt McKinley of McKinley Art Solutions. Host:
Chatterbox Gallery. Show Dates: SEPT 10 - OCT 4, 2009. Artist's
Reception: SEPT 17 (the Artist's Reception will be held simultaneously
as part of Barbie's Birthday Ball!). Categories include: 3 Dimensional
Barbies / Mixed Meda / Photographs / Painting / Performance Art /
Printmaking / Film & Video / Spoken Word / Fashion / Quilts / New
Media. Works not including an 'altered' Barbie or Ken will not be
included. Entry fee. Contact:
Aug 07, 2009 CALL FOR ENTRIES All media, juried exhibition. Exhibition
dates are Oct 16, 2009 - Jan 2, 2010. The work must be original from
artists 18 yrs & older and available for sale. There are 2 large
galleries which will be used for this show. The work will be reviewed
by a committee at the gallery. Please send 4-30 samples of work. We
prefer jpegs on CD, but will also accept photos, prints or
slides. Also include an art related resume, artist statement & slide
sheet, listing titles, media, size & retail price (the gallery takes
40%). Include a $20 entry fee, the work will be considered for a whole
year of shows. Contact: 237 Galleries & ClaySpace, ATTN: Art
Submissions Committee, 237 N Michigan, Toledo OH 43604 OR
Aug 10, 2009 CALL FOR ARTISTS All artists are invited to call up their
wide artistic vision, talent and imagination to shape ARTSPLASH 2009,
a multimedia arts event. ARTSPLASH, a vibrant juried exhibition of
original works, is a major showcase for the visual and performing arts
which will be exhibited in the sTudio 6 and sTudio 7 galleries, the
outdoor sculpture garden and on the indoor and outdoor stages at Fort
Tilden, Rockaway, Queens, New York. It is open to all media. ARTSPLASH
2009 is presented in partnership with the National Park Service /
Gateway National Recreation Area. Entry fee. For entry forms and
prospectus: Rockaway Artists Alliance OR 718-474-0861 OR
Aug 15, 2009 CALLING ALL EQUINE ARTISTS Two ways to enter! Be a
Pavilion Gallery Artist or set up your tent in the Artist
Village. Artist notification Aug. 23. Show/Festival Dates Sept 5 &
6. The Equine Art, Music & Polo Fest is an art show designed for horse
lovers. It is located on Chukkar Farm, a 170-acre horse farm in
Alpharetta, Georgia that specializes in educating people about the
game of polo. The farm features scenic vistas with rolling hills, lush
landscapes and breathtaking views of polo matches! Entry fee. Contact:

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